How to find the GOR07?Here you can find detailed journey information, addresses and help on booking your accommodation in Leipzig. For general information about Leipzig, please visit the website of the City of Leipzig.
Addresses in Leipzig
Show me a city map of Leipzig (pdf)
The location of the D.G.O.F. membership meeting
Mediencampus- Masterprogramm Medien Leipzig
Conference location II (workshop program, sessions, poster exhibition and lunch): Gohliser Schlösschen Telegraph
Please use our shuttle-bus from the conference location to your hotel in the city. Departure: tuesday 6.30 pm and 7 pm
Hotel reservation service
Travel information Via airplane and train: Next international Airport is Halle/Leipzig (LEJ). There you will find a comfortable railway connection to the city of Leipzig:
Via car: For more details please refer to http://www.de.map24.com/.
With bus and tram through the City of Leipzig.
Have a nice and safe journey!
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