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GOR06 Vorläufiges Programm (17. März 2006)
Conference Organizer: German Society for
Online Resarch (DGOF)
Program Committee:
Chair: Uwe Matzat (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Nicola Döring (Ilmenau Unviersity of Technology)
Frank Faulbaum (University Duisburg-Essen)
Olaf Hofmann (SKOPOS Institut)
Manfred Leisenberg (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Bielefeld)
Martin Welker (University of Leipzig)
conference program - short version (long version see below)
Registration |
8:45-9:00 |
Opening - Welcome Note D.G.O.F.
9:00-9:15 |
Detlef Helling (mayor of Bielefeld), Hartmut Scheffler (TNS Infratest)
9:15-10:00 |
Keynote Speech: Dr. Marc Smith (Microsoft Research, USA): Social
Networks of the Digital Individual: Visualizing Computer-Mediated
Social Interaction
10:00-10:15 |
Coffee Break & Exhibition |
10:15-12:00 |
Data Quality in
Online Surveys I |
12:00-13:15 |
Lunch & Exhibition |
13:15-14:30 |
Session 5:
The Integration of Online and Offline Social Relationships
14:30-14:45 |
Coffee Break & Exhibition |
14:45-16:30 |
Session 8:
Best Practice Analyses: the Integration of Online Surveys within
Session 9:
Incentive Systems & Motivation in Online Groups |
16:30-16:45 |
Coffee Break & Exhibition |
16:45-18:30 |
20:00 |
22.00 |
GOR-Party |
22.03.06 |
9:00-10:45 |
10:45-11:00 |
Coffee Break & Exhibition |
11:00-12:30 |
Panel Discussion:
On-Site-Befragungen im Zeitalter von PopUp-Blockern (Moderation:Holger
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch & Exhibition |
13:30-14:30 |
14:30-15:45 |
Session 21:
Methods of Market- and Consumer-Research II |
Session 24:
Applied Social Network Analysis within Internet Research |
15.45-16:00 |
Coffee Break & Exhibition |
16:00-17:15 |
Session 28:
Online Groups and E-Democracy |
17:15-17:30 |
Feedback, Poster Awards, GOR07 and
Goodbye |
17:30 |
End of GOR06 |
conference program - detailled version
Monday, March 20th
GOR06 Pre-Conference Workshop Program
12:00-13:30 Social network analysis and its application to Internet research,
Prof. Dr. Chris Snijders (Eindhoven University of Technology):
14:00-15:30 Visualization of Online Social Networks: Working with MSR Community Tools and related social software,
Dr. Marc Smith (Microsoft Research):
16:00-17:30 Weblogs & Blogging: Potential and practical Opportunities within Academia & Journalism, Dr. Martin Welker (University Leipzig):
13:30-17:30 Internet Surveys, Prof. Dr. Bernard Batinic (Universität Linz):
16:00-17:30 Usability Tests, Christian Escher (psychonomics AG):
18:00-20:00 D.G.O.F. Membership Meeting:
20:00 Early Bird Meeting with Registration:
8:00 Registration:
8:45-9:00 Opening - Welcome Note D.G.O.F. : Historischer Saal
9:00-9:15 Detlef Helling (mayor of Bielefeld), Dr. Hartmut Scheffler (TNS):
9:15-10:00 Keynote Speech: Dr. Marc Smith (Microsoft Research, USA): Social Networks of the Digital Individual: Visualizing Computer-Mediated Social Interaction:
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break & Exhibition
10:15-12:00 Session 1: Data Quality in Online Surveys I
Wouter van der Horst (Eindhoven University of Technology) , Chris Snijders, Uwe Matzat : The effect of progress indicators on online survey compliance
Monika Taddicken (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg) : ‘Low social presence’ in web surveys: advantage or disadvantage or both? An experiment.
Uwe Matzat (Eindhoven University of Technology), Chris Snijders : Does the Collection of Ego-Centered Network Data on the Web reduce the Data Quality? An Experimental Comparison of online versus offline Data Collection
Werner Hemsing (Globalpark GmbH), Jörg Otto Hellwig : The impact of visualization of question types and screen pages on the answering behaviour in online surveys
Andreas Klein (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Katrin Scheffold: A Comparison of the validity of a paper based and an online Conjoint Analysis
10:15-12:00 Session 2: E-Commerce & E-Business I:
Martina Kühne (Universität Zürich), Thomas Bamert, Christoph Rüdt : Customer-friendly design of micropayment systems
Gunnar Mau (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Sebastian Schulz, Günter Silberer : The Importance of Cognitive Maps for Emotional and Cognitive Reactions towards Online Shops
Petra Bouvain (University of Canberra), Uwe Kamenz (Fachhochschule Dortmund) : How to manage the „It“ factor: A study of corporate identity management of car websites
Dirk Helmold (rc - research & consulting GmbH), Uwe Kohlmann, Deutsche Lufthansa AG: Quizzing – Usability Simulation in Product Development
Jens Krueger (TNS Infratest) : "Trust & Safety" Selected core results of a fundamental study about safety with e-commerce by eBay Germany and the TNS Infratest Communication Research Center
10:15-12:00 Session 3: Election Campaigns on the Internet:
Nicholas W. Jankowski (Department of Communication Radboud University Nijmegen), Kirsten Foot, Randy Kluver, Steve Schneider : The Web and the 2004 EU Election: A Comparative Analysis of Political Engagement Features on the Sites of Political Actors in 11 EU Member States
Peter Kiefer (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg), Klaus Stein, Christoph Schlieder: Visibility Analysis on the Web as an Indicator for Public Attention on Political Issues
Eva Johanna Schweitzer (Universität Mainz) : German Party Web Sites in the 2005 National Elections
Roland Abold (Universität Bamberg): „My dear diary…“ - Voters and Weblogs in the German election campaign 2005
Jan Hildebrandt, Gregor Hackmack: “kandidatenwatch.de” - meet your candidate online
10:15-12:00 Session 4: Digital Inequality:
Yafang Wang (Universität Bielefeld) : Online Social Capital and Inequality of Internet Use --an empirical research into informal learning of migrant youth in online socio-cultural networks
Sylvia E. Korupp (Universität Erfurt) : A Comment on the First and Second Digital Divide
Eliza Eranus (Budapest Corvinus University) : Telehouse or private house?
Laszlo Lorincz (Corvinus University, Budapest): Partner selection in on-line dating: the effect of context on homogamy
12:00-13:15 Lunch & Exhibition:
13:15-14:30 Panel Discussion: Communities und/oder eCommerce: Wer sind die Treiber für das Internet von morgen?: Historischer Saal
13:15-14:30 Session 5: The Integration of Online and Offline Social Relationships:
Yael Levanon (The Neri Bloomfield Wizo Academy of Design and Education, Haifa And the University of Haifa, Israel), Gustavo Mesch (University of Haifa) : Community Online and Offline Involvement
Alexandra Klein (Universität Bielefeld) : Wired Wonderland revisited – the Dynamics of ‘Matthew Effect’
Ralph Schroeder (Oxford Internet Institute) : Being There Together’ in Shared Virtual Environments and the Multiple Modalities of Online Connectedness
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break & Exhibition:
14:45-16:30 Session 6: Data Quality in Online Surverys II :
Anja Göritz (Uni Erlangen): Cash Lotteries as Incentives in Online Panels
Stefan Althoff (Lufthansa Technik AG), Victoria Greif, Bodo Griel, Bernard Batinic : Determinants of Response Rates of Online Surveys - The Anita Effect - Results of a Joint Project
Andy Sutton (Nottingham Trent University), Kristan Hopkins Burke : Online Survey Response Patterns
Randall Thomas (Harris Interactive), John Bremer: Response Order Effects in International Online Surveys
14:45-16:30 Session 7: Web-Site Navigation & Perception:
Margarete Pökl (Universität Wien), Marco Jirasko : Influence of Locus of Control on Navigation in Hypertext and the Acquisition of Knowledge
Peter Schumacher (Universität Trier) : Design as a determining factor for patterns of attention in the reception of online media. Results of an eye-tracking study
Stefan Iske (Uni Bielefeld) : Methodological aspects of analysing sequences of navigational processes during elearning using methods of optimal matching
Michael Roth (Technische Universität Berlin): Online visual landscape assessment using Internet survey techniques in landscape planning and environmental research.
14:45-16:30 Session 8: Best Practice Analyses: the Integration of Online Surveys within Companies:
Jan Schlüter (AUDI AG): Managers: directors of their own personal development - Audi\'s 360° online feedback process
Dirk Bergmann, Peter Frobbe, Michael Treier & Peter Schrimpf (Deutsche Steinkohle AG und Institut für Arbeitswissenschaften der RAG Aktiengesellschaft (Michael Treier)) : Deutsche Steinkohle AG: 250 gon Online Feedback on Leadership and Communication
Bernad Batinic (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz) : Technical opportunities for automation and integration of online surveys in business processes.
Andrea Weitz (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM)), Walter Niemeier : KODE® (competence-diagnostic- and development) - online
Dirk Helmold (rc - research & consulting GmbH), Christina Giesen, Michael Lödding (MRSC, Deutsche Post World Net Business Consulting GmbH) : Hybrid Methods in Market Research - Learnings and Limits
14:45-16:30 Session 9: Incentive Systems & Motivation in Online Groups:
Stefan Bieletzke (FHM Mittelstand, Trainings Online ): The concept of roles as one aspect of successful virtual communities
Ben Jann (ETH Zürich) Stefan Wehrli, Andreas Diekmann: Reciprocity of Feedback in Internet Auctions
Sven Jöckel (TU Ilmenau), Robert Seifert : Flow in Azeroth. An analysis of gaming experiences in community-based online role playing games
Sonja Utz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Laura Bijleveld , : Community rules?! - Building brand loyalty with virtual communities
16:30-16:45 Coffee Break & Exhibition:
16:45-18:30 Session 10: New Methods of Online Data Collection:
Alexander E. Reppel (The University of Birmingham), Thorsten Gruber, Isabelle Szmigin, Rödiger Voss : Online Laddering - Development of innovative laddering data collection methods
Torsten Melles (psychonomics AG), Gunther Ellers : Optimizing open-ended questions in online questionnaires for measuring price perception and willingness to pay
Stefan Tuschl (TNS Infratest), Nadja Morasch : How much individualisation does a conjoint survey need? - Experiences from an online experiment
Jan Müller (International University Bremen), Adalbert Wilhelm, George Ioannidis : Selecting Images, Web Pages or Web Sites: Sampling Strategies for Internet Content
16:45-18:30 Session 11: E-Commerce & E-Business II:
Sebastian Schulz (Universität Göttingen), Gunnar Mau, Oliver B. Büttner, Günter Silberer : User Experiences in Online Pharmacies - The effects of medication type and of purchasing for oneself vs. for another person
Sabine Graumann (TNS Infratest) : How is the German Internet economy positioned at global scal
Willi Bredemeier (Institute for Information Economics) : How will the German information economy develop to 2010 in view of German experts? - Business and labour market developments, new products and innovations, co-operation possibilities - Results of a study consisting of a unique combination of primary and desk research.
Jan Mateusz Zajac (Warsaw University), Pawel Mazurek : Internet users and the digital surveillance
Nicole Oberg (Universität Trier) : "@value.web" - Usability testing for SME
16:45-18:30 Session 12: E-Health & E-Well-Being:
Nicola Döring (TU Ilmenau) : M-Health: Health-related Interventions with Mobile Media
Yves Hänggi (Universität Fribourg), Claudia Heldner : An online-offline method comparison based on quasi-experimental data from two surveys to family stress.
Frank P. Schulte (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Edgar Heineken, J. D. Fischer : The webbased memory clinic www.gedaechtnisonline.de: A prevention and research tool
Christiane Eichenberg (Universität zu Köln), Gottfried Fischer : Internet message boards for suicidal people: An empirically based typology of its users
Matthias R. Hastall (Uni Erfurt) Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick: Communicating Health Risks Online: What Makes Health News Appealing?
16:45-18:30 Session 13: Weblogs:
Jan Schmidt (Universität Bamberg) : Weblogs as tool for online-based networking: Empirical findings for the german-speaking blogosphere
Manfred Leisenberg (FHM Bielefeld), Timo Timm, Julia Wolf : Unsupervised Neural Net based automatic trend analysis for Weblogs
Madan Kumaraswamy (Goa Institute of Management) : An Exploratory Study of Weblogs of South Indians
Ulrike Röttger (Westphalian Wilhelms-University of Muenster), Sarah Zielmann : A comparison of CEO-Weblogs in Europe
20:00 GOR Conference Dinner:
22.00 GOR-Party:
9:00-10:45 Session 14: Methods of Market- and Consumer-Research I:
Emiel van Wegen (ViewsNet Europe)
Sören W. Scholz (Universität Bielefeld), Martin Meißner, Jens Adam
Thomas Starsetzki (SKOPOS), Gabriele Lehmann
Holger Lütters (FDM&M AG), Daniel Westphal, Olivia Dahinden : webAHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process Decision Making on the Web
9:00-10:45 Session 15: Mobile Communication & Mobile Services:
Carmen Bruder (TU Berlin), Hartmut Wandke, Lucienne Blessing : Designing User Interfeces of Mobile Phones for Seniors
Nicola Döring (TU Ilmenau) : Mobile Imaging: Usage and Meaning of the Camera Phone
Joachim R. Höflich (Universität Erfurt), Patrick Rössler, Julian Gebhardt: Situational arrangements in mobile communication: a case study of the usage of mobile phones in a university library
Sandra Pöschl (TU Ilmenau) , Nicola Döring : Usage Scenarios for 4G Mobile Networks
Heidemarie Hanekop (Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut), Edvin Babic: Usage Patterns of Mobile-TV - An Empirical Study on the Usage of UMTS-based Mobil-TV Services
9:00-10:45 Session 16: Wikipedias & Social Software:
Sheizaf Rafaeli (Jacobs Building Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Haifa ), Yaron Ariel, Tsahi Hayat : Wikipedians Sense of (Virtual) Community
Joachim Schroer (Universität Würzburg) , Guido Hertel : Wikipedia: Motivation for the voluntary engagement in an open web-based encylopedia
Jan Schmidt (Universität Bamberg) : Social Software – Challenges for Online Research
Ton Zijlstra (Proven Partners): Social Software: Helping Knowledge worker dealing with information overload
Dennis Mocigemba (International University Bremen) : Podcasting – Realization of an old Vision?
9:00-10:45 Session 17: Knowledge Sharing in Online Groups I:
Oliver Rack (Universität Kiel), Udo Konradt, Guido Hertel : Effects of Monetary Team-based Rewards in Computer-mediated Groups
Joachim Kimmerle (Knowledge Media Research Center, Tübingen), Ulrike Cress : The role of personality in knowledge management
Ulrike Cress, Joachim Kimmerle (iwm-kmrc): Enhancing Knowledge Exchange in Groups: Some Experimental Findings
Cora Schaefer (Universität Karlsruhe): Effects of a groupware in a Virtual Consulting Firm
10-45-11:00 Coffee Break & Exhibition:
11:00-12:30 Panel Discussion: On-Site-Befragungen im Zeitalter von PopUp-Blockern (Moderation:Holger Geißler):
11:00-12:30 Session 18: E-Learning I:
Sebastian Vogt (TU Ilmenau) : Online collaboration & communication – usage of Weblogs and Wikis for transnational lectures
Manfred Leisenberg (FHM Bielefeld), Vanessa Kristina Vieselmeier, Michael Löhe : Web- Based course guidence: Development and evaluation of an online user profile based model
Dehui Zhou (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Andreas Huber, Edgar Heineken, Frank Paul Schulte, Heike Ollesch: Knowledge representation and metaphor cognition: a cross-cultural webbased experiment
11:00-12:30 Session 19: E-Democracy:
Martin Emmer (TU Ilmenau), Markus Seifert: The Effect of the Internet on Political Communication Patterns: Findings From a Four Year Panel Survey in Germany
Markus Seifert (TU Ilmenau) : Whom does the Internet mobilize to political communication? An analysis of the selective influence of the Internet on political communication of the citizens
Füting Angelika (TU Ilmenau), Martin Emmer : Online-Citizenship - An Empirical Typology of Political Online- and Offline-Communication
Petra Bouvain (University of Canberra), Raechel Hughes (University of Canberra), Dau Youngsamart (University of Canberra) : Comparing government websites of developing and developed nations: a comparison of Thai and Australian Government websites
11:00-12:30 Session 20: Knowledge Sharing in Online Groups II:
Bernhard Weber (Universität Würzburg), Marion Wittchen, Guido Hertel : Preconditions of successful motivation management of virtual teams
Marion Wittchen (University of Wuerzburg), Daniel Schlereth, Guido Hertel : Motivation gains in internet based virtual group work
Anja Johanning (MMB Institut), Christina Rautenstrauch : „SOS. Colleague in trouble? Or permanent trouble in the office?” – Profession-related Online Communities of Practice (CoP) as a possible area for competence learning?
Andrea Gurtner (Institut de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Neuchâtel), Michaela Kolbe, Margarete Boos : Antecedents and consequences of trust in virtual teams
Anke Petschenka (Universität Duisburg-Essen) : A Content Analysis Study of Communication Structures in Newsgroups
12:300-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition:
13:30-14:30 Postersession & Exhibtion:
Anja Göritz (Uni Erlangen), Stefan Stieger: Using Instant Messaging for Internet-based interviews
Frederik Funke, Ulf-Dietrich Reips: Visual Analogue Scales: Non-linear Data Categorization by Transformation with Reduced Extremes
Nina Kahnwald (Technische Universität Dresden), Thomas Köhler : Specific Demands of Longitudinal Online-Surveys
Bernd Hartmann (MFG Baden-Württemberg) : When Youth Magazines Go Social Software - The Online Community NEON between external control and self-organization
Luc Wilkin, Faccin, Brotvorne : Cyberliteracy : patterns of usages of the WWW by university students
Timo Dinkler, Anja Meuter (Meuter & Team) : Networked editing of visual presentation with Demonstraight
Antonella D'Agostino (Università di Napoli Parthenope), Claudio Quintano, Rosalia Castellano : Web survey on transition from university to work: measuring the marginal effect mode
Meinald T. Thielsch (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität MünsterI, Natalie Förster, Desislava Nikolaeva, Kim Nowak : Results of a presentation software web survey
Saskia Kain (TU-Berlin), Knut Polkehn, Manfred Thüring, Hartmut Wandke : Lorem-Ipsum Covering as a method to measure attention allocation on websites – An alternative to Site-Covering?
Birgit Leidenfrost (Universität Wien), Eva Mayr, Marco Jirasko : Train the virtual team - promoting virtual teamwork skills
Thomas Döbler (MFG Stiftung Baden-Württemberg) , Nicole Ziesche, Yvonne Arnold : Information and media technologies. A research project about current and future-oriented information and media technologies and their acceptance in Baden-Württemberg
Lars Kaczmirek (ZUMA), Olaf Thiele : Flash, Javascript or PHP? Comparing the availability of technical equipment among university applicants
Frank Scherthan (Universität Koblenz-Landau), Jana Groß Ophoff, Ingmar Hosenfeld, Andreas Helmke : The internet as a tool for educational research – implementation and experiences in the VERA project
14:30-15:45 Session 21: Methodes of Market- and Consumer-Reserach II:
Sabine Pützfeld (psychonomics AG), Torsten Melles: Online Conjoint Analysis: The faster, the worse?
Christiane Strzoda (TNS Infratest) : Online Evaluation Survey
Andera Gadeib, Jörg Kunath (DIALEGO) : Virtual Research Worlds – Simulate the Difference! Efficient Concept Testing within Virtual Market Simulations Online
14:30-15:45 Session 22: E-Learning II:
Lars Gillessen (Universität Kassel) : Internet as an educational task
Heide Schmidtmann (FernUniversität Hagen): Social Aspects in Design and Evaluation of virtual Seminars
Michela Drusian (Dipertimento di Sociologia, Padua) : High Tech Bricoleurs: young people’s experiences with digital technologies
14:30-15:45 Session 23: Academic Communication and the Internet:
Hans Roosendaal (University of Twente) : Scientific information and the scientific process?
Peter van den Besselaar (Rathenau Instituut), Iam Hooijen, Barbara Dubbeldam : The politics of data-infrastructures
14:30-15:45 Session 24: Applied Social Network Analysis within Internet Reserach:
Krisztina Csüllög (Corvinus University of Budapest) : ICT use in communication networks
Katja Lozar Manfreda (University of Ljubljana), Polona Kramar, Vasja Vehovar : Social networks of mobile phone users in Slovenia
Christian Stegbauer (Universität Frankfurt), Alexander Rausch : Dynamic Analysis of Mailing List Data
Tanja Falkowski (Uni Magdeburg) , Jörg Bartelmeier : CoDyM - A Platform for Interactive Community Dynamics Mining
15.45-16:00 Coffee Break & Exhibition:
16:00-17:15 Session 25a: Online Scaling:
Wolfgang Neubarth (ZUMA) : Ranking vs. Rating in an online Environment
Randall Thomas (Harris Interactive), John Bremer, George Terhanian, Renee Smith : Scale Usage Differences Across Ethnicities and Countries: Myth or Reality?
16:00-17:15 Session 25b: Response Biases in Online Surveys:
Mirta Galesic (Joint Program in Survey Methodology), Michael Bosnjak : Personality traits and participation in an online access panel
Peter Müßig-Trapp (HIS Hochschul-Informations-System), Wolfgang Bandilla, Steffen Weber : Building up a student-convenience-panel: first experiences (recruitment and registration procedure)
16:00-17:15 Session 26: Information Search on the Internet :
Yafang Wang (Universität Bielefeld) : Online Social Capital and Inequality of Internet Use --an empirical research into informal learning of migrant youth in online socio-cultural networks
Markus Hennies (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart), Juliane Dreßler : Searching web-based OPACs – a log analysis study
Dietmar Wolfram (School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Hong (Iris) Xie : A Longitudinal Study of Database Usage within a general Audience Digital Library
16:00-17:15 Session 27: E-Commerce& E-Business III:
Adriane Hartmann (MediaTransfer AG Netresearch & Consulting), Nadine Winkler : Innovation Management - Shaping Innovation from Idea to Concept
Patrick Lentz (Universität Dortmund), Christian Kolbe, Klaus Wilke : Online Media and Marketing Communications – An Empirical Study to Measure Its Level of Integration and Its Relevance
16:00-17:15 Session 28: Online Groups and E-Democracy:
Matthias Trénel (HU Berlin) : Conditions for online deliberation: Can facilitators enhance inclusiveness?
Steffen Albrecht (TU Hamburg-Harburg): Discourse networks on the Net – A comparative analysis of online deliberation
Mei Wu (University of Macau) : Alternative Channel of Information: Discussion Forums on the Chinese Internet
Marcus Leaning (Trinity College, University of Wales), Udo Averweg : Towards a social agenda for Community Informatics
17:15-17:30 Feedback, Poster Awards, GOR07 and Goodbye:
17:30 End of GOR06



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