
The General Online Research Conference is annually organized by the German Society for Online Research in cooperation with a partner. The GOR 25 conference will take place in Berlin in cooperation with the Free University of Berlin  from Monday, 31 March to Wednesday, 02 April 2025.

Organizer and Founder of the GOR Conference Series

DGOF – German Society for Online Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung)

Online research is a dynamic, innovative field, with constantly emerging challenges as well as opportunities for research and practice. The German Society for Online Research/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online Forschung (DGOF) is a modern, innovative association, which has focused on the interests of the actors in the field of online research since its establishment in 1998. It is the association’s goal to be the leader in this field. DGOF seeks to bridge different research fields (such as sociology, psychology, political science, economics, market and opinion research, data science) using online research methods and facilitates the transfer between academic research and the industry.

DGOF campaigns for the establishment and the development of online research as well as the interests of online researchers in Germany. Online research ranges from online based data collection methods (e.g., web surveys in online panels); to mobile research with smartphones, tablets, and wearables; to the collection and analysis of social media data, administrative data, data from passive measurements, and other big data sources.

DGOF organizes various events that support professional and collegial exchanges between researchers and practitioners across academia and the industry. By bringing together scientific findings, commercial needs, and practical applications for best practices, DGOF provides a sustainable input for further developments in online research.

More information on the DGOF membership here.

Become a member of the German Society for Online Research (DGOF)

Support our goals and benefit from the DGOF network! Send us your membership application which is available here: DGOF Membership Application.

DGOF members commit themselves to adhere to the professional standards and codes of conduct of market and social reseach and online research.

You do NOT have to join DGOF to attend the GOR conference, but as a member you can buy the GOR ticket at a reduced membership rate.

Please be advised that communication in DGOF is mostly in German and that you have to give a three months notice if you wish to terminate your membership at the end of a calendar year. The membership does NOT end automatically at the end of the year 2024.

If you have any questions regarding the conference or our association, feel free to contact us:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung – DGOF e.V.
Huhnsgasse 34b
50676 Cologne
phone: +49 (0) 221-27 23 18 180
E-Mail: office@dgof.de
Web: www.dgof.de

The Co-Organizer of GOR 25:

Freie Universität Berlin

Become a DGOF member

Support our goals and benefit from the DGOF network! As a member you also get the GOR ticket at a reduced membership rate. More information

These are the Sponsors of GOR 24