
GOR 2024: Cologne, Germany

  • View GOR 24 programme
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Simon Kühne, Bella Struminskaya, Carina Cornesse, Otto Hellwig, Stefan Oglesby, Yannick Rieder (Eds.) (2024): 26th GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Proceedings, Köln 2024
  • GOR 24 Photo Gallery

GOR 2023: Kassel, Germany

  • View GOR 23 programme
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Bella Struminskaya, Simon Kühne, Florian Keusch, Otto Hellwig, Stefan Oglesby, Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.) (2023): 25th GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Proceedings, Köln 2023
  • GOR 23 Photo Gallery

GOR 2022: Berlin, Germany

  • View GOR 22 programme
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Bella Struminskaya, Simon Kühne, Florian Keusch, Otto Hellwig, Stefan Oglesby, Cathleen M. Stützer, Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.) (2022): 24th GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Proceedings, Köln 2022

GOR 2021: second virtual conference

  • View GOR 21 programme
  • View GOR 21 presentations on our YouTube Channel
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Florian Keusch, Bella Struminskaya, Otto Hellwig, Stefan Oglesby, Cathleen M. Stützer, Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell (Eds.) (2021): 23rd General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Cologne 2021.

GOR 2020: first virtual conference

GOR 2019: Cologne, Germany

  • View GOR 19 programme (download the slides)
  • Download GOR 19 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Keusch, Florian; Struminskaya, Bella; Hellwig, Otto; Stützer, Cathleen M.; Thielsch, Meinald; Wachenfeld-Schell, Alexandra (Eds.) (2019): 21st General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Cologne 2019.
  • Photo Gallery GOR 19

GOR 2018: Cologne, Germany

  • Download GOR 18 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Struminskaya, Bella; Keusch, Florian; Hellwig, Otto; Stützer, Cathleen M.; Thielsch, Meinald; Wachenfeld-Schell, Alexandra (Eds.) (2018): 20th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Cologne 2018.

GOR 2017: Berlin, Germany

  • Download GOR 17 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Stützer, Cathleen M.; Hellwig, Otto; Tabino, Oliver; Thielsch, Meinald; Wachenfeld-Schell, Alexandra (Eds.) (2017): 19th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Berlin 2017.

GOR 2016: Dresden, Germany

  • Download GOR 16 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Stützer, Cathleen M.; Hellwig, Otto; Tabino, Oliver; Thielsch, Meinald; Wachenfeld-Schell, Alexandra (Eds.) (2016): 18th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Dresden 2016.

GOR 2015: Cologne, Germany

  • Download GOR 15 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Kaczmirek, Lars; Hellwig, Otto; Tabino, Oliver; Thielsch, Meinald; Wachenfeld, Alexandra (Eds.) (2015): 17th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Cologne 2015.

GOR 2014: Cologne, Germany

  • Download GOR 14 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Kaczmirek, Lars; Hellwig, Otto; Tabino, Oliver; Taddicken, Monika; Wachenfeld, Alexandra (Eds.) (2014): 16th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Cologne 2014.

GOR 2013: Mannheim, Germany

  • Download GOR 13 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Kaczmirek, Lars; Irmer, Christoph; Hellwig, Otto; Taddicken, Monika (Eds.) (2013): 15th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Mannheim 2013.

GOR 2012: Mannheim, Germany

  • Download GOR 12 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF). Cite as: Kaczmirek, Lars; Irmer, Christoph; Hellwig, Otto; Taddicken, Monika; Welker, Martin (Eds.) (2012): 14th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Mannheim 2012.

GOR 2011: Düsseldorf, Germany

  • Download GOR 11 conference programme leaflet (PDF)
  • Download the full conference proceedings (PDF), Cite as: Taddicken, Monika; Welker, Martin; Geißler, Holger; Kaczmirek, Lars (Eds.) (2011): 13th General Online Research Conference. Proceedings. Düsseldorf 2011.

GOR 2010: Pforzheim, Germany

GOR 2009: Vienna, Austria

GOR 2008: Hamburg, Germany

GOR 2007: Leipzig, Germany

GOR 2006: Bielefeld, Germany

GOR 2005: Zurich, Switzerland

GOR 2004: Duisburg, Germany

GOR 2002: Stuttgart/Hohenheim, Germany

GOR 2001: Göttingen, Germany

GOR 1999: Nürnberg, Germany

GOR 1998: Mannheim, Germany

GOR 1997: Cologne, Germany

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