GOR 24: First Keynote Speaker Confirmed

The first keynote speaker of GOR 24 has been confirmed: Professor Annette Jäckle from the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex is going to give a keynote speech at the 26th General Online Research Conference (21 – 23 February 2024 at Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne). Her topic is “Data collection using mobile apps: What can we do to increase participation?“.

Professor Jäckle’s research interests cover new ways of using mobile devices for survey data collection, responsent consent to data linkage, questionnaire design to measure change in longitudinal surveys (dependent intervieweing) as well as mixed mode data collection, effetcs of mode on participation and measurement error.

You can find further information on her here: Prof Annette Jäckle, University of Essex

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GOR 24: Call for Workshops

Dear Online Researcher,

for the General Online Research conference GOR 24 we are looking for workshop proposals.

GOR workshops take place on the day before the conference’s talks and presentations and are a great opportunity for conference attendees to learn about state of the art methods and applications in online research.

The GOR workshops aim at getting a hands-on experience with the latest tools (e.g., software or hardware), methods (e.g., data collection or analyses) and best practice (e.g., how to take advantage of recent developments).

The following topics are relevant for the GOR audience: online and mobile web surveys, data science, big data, smart data, political research, public opinion, political online communication, or online market research. Please note that the workshops are not the right place for plain sales presentations (although 
workshops on commercial solutions are possible).

This year’s workshops will take place on 21 February 2024 (in person at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln). Workshop duration should be 2.5 hours and language of instruction preferably English but German is possible for some workshops. As a token of appreciation, the conference fee for instructors will be waived.

Please submit your workshop outline by email to email@frederikfunke.net and include the following information:
– title
– instructor(s)
– target audience
– workshop description

– three course objectives

The deadline for workshop proposals is: 30 November 2023.

GOR is organized by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF, https://www.dgof.de/) since 1997. Each year more than 300 participants attend the conference to discuss current developments in online research and best practices for their work in industry and academia. With more than 100 presentations addressing various subtopics of online research, GOR provides intensive training and networking opportunities.

GOR 24 local partner and co-organizer: Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Prof. Dr. Christian Bosau

We look forward to receiving your workshop submission. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Dr. Frederik Funke
on behalf of the program committee

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GOR 23 Conference Proceedings now online

The GOR 23 Conference Proceedings can now be accessed online:

Posted in GOR 23, News

GOR Best Practice Award 2023 Shortlist announced

The shortlist for this year’s GOR Best Practice Award has been determined.

The nominees are:

  • „Better Together in Speed, Agility and Quality“ von Katja Birke & Christopher Kuptz (beide Produkt + Markt, Deutschland)
  • “Application of AI: LLM Models in Practical Market Research with Special Focus on ChatGPT” von Andreas Woppmann (Advise Research, Deutschland), Katrin Mattusch (Hochland Group, Deutschland) und Tabea Weißmann (Advise Research, Deutschland)
  • „Calm Down and Push the Predictive Demand Scoring (PDS) Button to Revitalize Brand Growth“ von Steffen Schmidt ((LINK Marketing Services AG, CH), Sara Jermann (FOCUSWATER, Rivella AG), Marianne Altgeld (FMCG Research, LINK Marketing Services AG), Désirée Koller (Rivella & Enertea), Matthias Biedermann (LINK Marketing Services AG) und Nikolas Petschen (Rivella AG)
  • „Deeper Target Group Understanding Through Artificial Intelligence“ von Silke Moser (GIM mbH) und Niklas Mrutzek (Erason).

The GOR Best Practice Award 2023 competition will take place during GOR 23 on Thursday, 21 September 2023 at the University of Kassel.

Posted in GOR 23, News

GOR 23 Keynote Speakers Announced

Both keynote speaker for GOR 23 are now confirmed: On Thursday, 21 September 2023, GOR will be opened with a keynote by Dr. Steffen Schmidt on the topic “The Evolution of Marketing Research: From Insights 1.0 to 5.0“. Steffen is Director Augmented Marketing und Artificial Intelligence at LINK Marketing Services AG (Switzerland). His keynote will cover the evolution of marketing research during the past three decades, passing through five key phases referred to as Insights 1.0 to Insights 5.0.

On Friday, 22 September 2023, we are happy to welcome Arie Kapteyn to the keynote stage.  Arie is Director at the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. His keynote, titled “Population Representative Surveys, Wearables, and Contextual Data“, will illustrate both the pitfalls of modern data collection and the promise of combining population representative survey data with information from wearable devices and contextual information.

I will illustrate both the pitfalls of modern data collection and the promise of combining population representative survey data with information from wearable devices and contextual information.

Posted in GOR 23, News

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These are the Sponsors of GOR 25