Past GOR Poster Award Winners:

  • GOR Poster Award 2024: Matthias Roth (GESIS) for his poster “Ask a Llama – Creating Variance in Synthetic Survey Data”
  • GOR Poster Award 2023: Joshua Claassen (DZHW) for his poster “From Text to Voice: Innovating the Final Comment Question in a Web Survey” and Daniela Wetzelhütter (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) & Dimitri Prandner (Johannes Kepler University Linz) for their poster “AI-Enabled Data Analysis Quality: Addressing A Knowledge Gap
  • GOR Poster Award 2022: Lisa Marie Natter (Max Planck Institute for Research on Crime, Security and Law) for her Poster “The Impact of Monterary Incentives on Retention Rates in a Panel Study with Mixed Web and Mail Modes
  • GOR Poster Award 2021: Tobias Rettig, Bella Struminskaya and Annelies Blom for their Poster “Memory Effects in Online Panel Surveys: Investigating Respondents’ Ability to Recall Responses from a Previous Panel Wave
  • GOR Poster Award 2020: Adrian Hoffmann, Julia Meisters and Jochen Musch (University of Duesseldorf, Germany) for their Poster “Indirect Questioning Techniques: An Effective Means to Increase the Validity of Online Surveys
  • GOR Poster Award 2019: Stephan Schlosser (University Göttingen), Jan Karem Höhne (University of Mannheim) and Daniel Qureshi (University Frankfurt) for their Poster „SurveyMaps: A sensor-based supplement to GPS in mobile web surveys
  • GOR Poster Award 2018: Silvana Weber, Tanja Messingschlager and Nina Oszfolk (all Universität Würzburg)for their Poster „Social Comparison Behavior on Social Media: The influence of cognitive re-evaluations
  • GOR Poster Award 2017: Markus Hörmann and Maria Bannert (Technical University Munich) for their poster “Read It From My Fingertips – Can Typing Behaviour Help Us to Predict Motivation and Answer Quality in Online Surveys?” (1st place); Dirk Frank and Manuela Richter (ISM GLOBAL DYNAMICS) for their poster “Digitalization of health: Examining the business potential of a medical self-diagnosis app using an experimental online research approach” and Maria Andreasson, Johan Martinsson and Elias Markstedt (University Gothenburg) for their poster “Effects of additional reminders on survey participation and panel unsubscription” (shared 2nd place)
  • GOR Poster Award 2016: Jan-Mathis Schnurr, Christina Bülow and Sebastian Behrendt (Universität der Bundeswehr München) for their poster “Mixed-Method Approaches in Enterprise Social Software Evaluation” (1st place); Peter Hellmund and Lutz Hagen (TU Dresden) for their poster “Pegidas Echo Chamber – And other Uses of Facebook to Dresdens Notorious Political Movement” (2nd place); Stephan Schlosser and Jan Karem Höhne (University Göttingen) for their poster “The Adequacy of Outlier Definitions based on Response Time Distributions in Web Surveys: A Paradata Usability Study” (3rd place)
  • GOR Poster Award 2015: Jana Sommer, Birk Diedenhofen and Jochen Musch (all University Düsseldorf) for their poster “Not to Be Considered Harmful: Mobile Users Do Not Spoil Data Quality in Web Surveys” (1st place); Steffen Lemke, Athanasios Mazarakis and Isabella Peters (University Kiel, ZBW – German National Library for Economics) for their poster “Understanding Scientific Conference tweets” (2nd place) and Jean Philippe Décieux, Philipp Sischka (both University Luxemburg), Alexandra Mergener (BIBB) and Kristina Neufang (University Trier) for their poster “Higher response rates at the expense of validity? Consequences of the implementation of the ‘forced response’ option within online surveys” (2nd place).
  • GOR Poster Award 2014: Maria Douneva (University of Muenster), Rafael Jaron (NORDLIGHT research) and Meinald Thielsch (University of Muenster) for their poster “Effects of website design on first impressions, aesthetic judgments, and memory performance” and Ines Schaurer, Bella Struminskaya and Lars Kaczmirek (all GESIS) for their poster “Incentives on demand in a probability-based online panel: redemption and the choice between pay-out options
  • GOR Poster Award 2013: Anna Schnauber (University of Mainz) and Teresa K. Naab (Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media) for their poster “Measuring Media Habits in a Self-Administered Online Questionnaire
  • GOR Poster Award 2012: Meinald Thielsch (University of Muenster) and Rafael Jaron (NORDLIGHT Research) for their poster “From first impression to recommendation – users’ view on websites” and Markus Baumann, Matthias Haber and Christian H. Wältermann (University of Mannheim) for their poster “Politician’s Publishing Behavior
  • GOR Poster Award 2011: Cornelius Puschmann, Katrin Weller and Evelyn Dröge (University of Düsseldorf) for their poster “Studying Twitter conversations as (dynamic) graphs: visualization and structural comparison“.
  • GOR Poster Award 2010: Barbara Stiglbauer, Manuela Gamsjäger, Timo Gnambs, Bernad Batinic and Herbert Altrichter (Johannes Kepler University Linz) for their poster “Developing and Evaluating a Student Online Panel“.

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