- GOR Thesis Award 2024: Julian B. Axenfeld (DIW Berlin) for his PhD Thesis “Imputation of Missing Data from Split Questionnaire Designs in Social Surveys” and Georg Ahnert (University of Mannheim) for his MA Thesis “Fair Sampling for Global Ranking Recovery”
- GOR Thesis Award 2023: Tabea Tesch (Royal Canin, Mars Inc.) for her PhD Thesis “Online Product Testing for Generating Online Product Reviews – An Analysis of the Effects on Review Rating and Review Quality” and Raphael Riege (University of Kassel) for his MA Thesis “Homophily in Online Friend Selection. Empirical Investigation of Friend Selection in the App Friendsup.”
- GOR Thesis Award 2022: Anne Elevelt (Statistics Netherlands; Utrecht Unviersity) for her PhD Thesis “Smart(Phone) Surveys” and Truong Trung Hieu Nguyen (University of Hohenheim) for his MA Thesis “Motivational Methods to Reduce Possible Response Biases of Online Survey Participants in the Context of Market Research”
- GOR Thesis Award 2021: Shivangi Aneja (Technical University of Munich, Germany) for her master thesis “Generalized Zero and Few Shot Transfer for Facial Forgery Detection”
- GOR Thesis Award 2020: for best PhD: Michael Joseph Bossetta (Lund University, Sweden) for his study „The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Platforms and Participation in Contemporary Politics”; for best bachelor/master thesis: Sonja Rebekka Weißmann (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany) for her M.A. thesis “Using Artificial Neural Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Laptop Reviews”
- GOR Thesis Award 2019: for best bachelor/master thesis: Nadja Sigle (University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart) for her master thesis „Can these stars lie? Online reviews as a basis for measuring customer satisfaction”
- GOR Thesis Award 2018: for best PhD: Lianne Ippel (University of Liège) for her study „Multilevel Modeling for Data Streams with Dependent Observations“; for best bachelor/master thesis: Anastasiia Samokhina (TH Köln) for her thesis „Analysing the systematics of search engine autocompletion functions by means of data mining methods“
- GOR Thesis Award 2017: for best PhD: Gesa Alena Linnemann (University Münster) for her study “Alignment and Spoken Dialogue Systems – Influences on Trustworthiness and User Satisfaction”; for best bachelor/master thesis: Katharina Burgdorf (University Mannheim) for her study “Determinants of Item Nonresponse in the German Internet Panel”
- GOR Thesis Award 2016: for best PhD: Peter Kraker (Know Center) for his study “Visualizing Research Fields Based on Scholarly Communication on the Web”; for best bachelor/master thesis: Jessica Wengrzik (GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences) for her study “Motivated Underreporting and Response Propensity: Do persons likely to respond give better answers to filter and eligibility questions?”
- GOR Thesis Award 2015: for best PhD: Bella Struminskaya (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences) for her study “Data quality in probability-based online panels: Nonresponse, attrition, and panel conditioning”; for best bachelor/master thesis: Alexander Wenz (University of Essex) for his bachelor thesis “Predicting Response Times in Web Surveys” and Leonie Flacke (University Münster) for her bachelor thesis “Website Evaluation at Different Phases of Website Use”
- GOR Thesis Award 2014: For the segment best Master or diploma thesis the award went to Sven Kopp (2hm & Associates GmbH) for his study “The importance of perceived price fairness for paid content strategies”. The award for best doctoral thesis was presented to Cathleen Stützer (TU Dresden) for her study “Distribution of Information and Knowledge in Collaborative Learning Systems. Structural and Relational Analysis about the Impact of Social Organizational Structures in Knowledge Networks in the Case of the Web Based Collaborative Learning System in Higher Education called OPAL”
- GOR Thesis Award 2012: The award for best master thesis was awarded to Jessica Sabrina Kunert (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) for her study “Building a digital electoral connection: MEP’s websites and Facebook profiles. How do MEPs present themselves online?”. The award for best PhD thesis was awarded to Umar Ruhi (McMaster University, Canada) for his work on “Social-Technical Determinants of Member Participation in Virtual Communities: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Investigation“
- GOR Thesis Award 2010: Michael Opgenhaffen (University of Leuven, Belgium) for his thesis “Multimedia, Interactivity, and Hypertext in Online News: Effect on News Processing and Objective and Subjective Knowledge.”
- GOR Thesis Award 2009: Vera Toepoel (CentERdata, Netherlands) for her thesis “A Closer Look at Web Questionnaire Design” and J. Roselyn Lee (Stanford University, USA) for her thesis “A threat on the web:stereotype threat in avatar-embodied onlinegroups”