Call for Papers: GOR Thesis Award Competition 2022

Research Topics
All submissions relevant to online research are welcome. Presentations in the past covered a broad range of topics, be it online surveys or research on the Internet as well as social aspects of the Web and experiences of the people using it. Since 1997, GOR has been attended by researchers and other professionals who want to stay on top of new developments and best practices for their work in companies and academia. The annual GOR Thesis Award Competition is an integral part of the conference series.

GOR Thesis Award 2022 Competition
Up to 3 bachelor/master/diploma thesis and, in addition, up to 3 doctoral theses will be presented at GOR in this category. Selected authors will present their findings at the GOR conference, and the best ones will be awarded a price for the best doctoral thesis and for the best bachelor/master/diploma thesis. The conference fee is waived for all presenters in this category. Accommodation and travelling fees need to be covered by the contestants. Theses must have been submitted in 2020 or 2021. Thesis language can be either English or German, but abstract submission and the presentation need to be in English.

Submission Format
Submissions should include the thesis as one PDF-file (either in English or in German), an extended anonymized abstract in English (limited to 7000 characters including spaces), a covering letter in English written by the contestant with details on affiliation, degree programme (please indicate PhD or bachelor/master/diploma level), supervisors, graduation date and thesis grade, together with an agreement to present the results at the GOR conference. Please note that all documents have to be submitted by the author of the thesis. All submissions need to be uploaded to the GOR 22 ConfTool. Presentations in the GOR Thesis Award 2022 Competition will last 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Registration to the conference is not necessary until you have received a notification whether your thesis has been selected for presentation at GOR.

Review Process
First, all submissions will be anonymized and evaluated by a jury consisting of researchers from academia and business. The jury will compile a short list of researchers who are invited to present their work at GOR 22. Second, the jury then will judge the presentations at GOR 22 and award the best theses in a ceremony at the conference.

25 November 2021: Deadline for abstract submission for the GOR Thesis Award 2022 Competition
10 February 2022: Deadline for early registration and presenting authors
07 March 2022: Deadline for presentation upload

Contact Details
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung e.V. (DGOF)/German Society for Online Research
Huhnsgasse 34b, 50676 Cologne, Phone: +49-(0)221- 27 23 18 180, Email:

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