GOR 18 Awards

This years awards go to:

GOR Best Practice Award 2018

Yannick Rieder, Thomas Perry (both Q | Agentur für Forschung, Germany) and Sabine Feierabend (SWR Südwestrundfunk, Germany) for „From Research to Content: How We Exploit the Web like a Goldmine for Editors and Content Producers”

GOR Poster Award 2018

Silvana Weber, Tanja Messingschlager and Nina Oszfolk (all University Wuerzburg, Germany) for their poster „Social Comparison Behavior on Social Media: The influence of cognitive re-evaluations“ (1st place)

Jan Karem Höhne, Stephan Schlosser (both University of Göttingen, Germany) for their poster “Sensor data: Exploring respondents’ motion levels in mobile web surveys using paradata SurveyMotion” (2nd place)

GOR Thesis Award 2018

Lianne Ippel (University of Liège, Belgium) for her dissertation “Multilevel Modeling for Data Streams with Dependent Observations”


Anastasiia Samokhina (TH Köln, Germany) for her bachelor/master thesis „Analysing the systematics of search engine autocompletion functions by means of data mining methods“

Congratulations to everyone!

Posted in GOR 18, News

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