GOR Best Practice Award 2019 shortlist published

We are happy to announce the shortlist for the GOR Best Practice Award 2019:

„Revolution of the VW customer journey“ by Nina Bethmann (InSites Consulting) and Michal Szaniecki (Volkswagen)

„The Online Overload: Predicting consumer choice in a digital world“ by Julia Görnandt, Sander Noorman (both SKIM) and Kris Compiet (Vodafone Ziggo)

„How to allocate resources best – case study of a regional newspaper“ by Annika Gröne, Patricia Kehm (both DCORE) and Andrea Krieger (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

„Impact of subscription and discount cards on mobility decision-making: the example of BahnCard in the NRW tariff” by Andreas Krämer (University of Applied Sciences Europe), Till Ponath (Kompetenzcenter Marketing NRW) and Hans Dethlefsen (DB Fernverkehr)

„Automation of the Real Voice of the Customer. Use of massive audio and video interaction in online interviews“ by Holger Lütters (HTW Berlin), Malte Friedrich-Freksa (GapFish), Dmitrij Feller (pangea labs) and Marc Egger (Insius)

„The Innovation Research Game Changer: tuning research to Henkel’s agile fuzzy front end of innovation” by Anita Peerdeman-Janssen (InSites Consulting) and Vera Diel (Henkel)

Congratulation to all nominees!

The GOR Best Practice Award 2019 Competition will take place in Track D on Thursday 7 March 2019. The GOR Best Practice Award 2019 will be awarded at the GOR party!

The complete GOR 19 programmme can be found here.

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