GOR Best Practice Award 2023 Shortlist announced

The shortlist for this year’s GOR Best Practice Award has been determined.

The nominees are:

  • „Better Together in Speed, Agility and Quality“ von Katja Birke & Christopher Kuptz (beide Produkt + Markt, Deutschland)
  • “Application of AI: LLM Models in Practical Market Research with Special Focus on ChatGPT” von Andreas Woppmann (Advise Research, Deutschland), Katrin Mattusch (Hochland Group, Deutschland) und Tabea Weißmann (Advise Research, Deutschland)
  • „Calm Down and Push the Predictive Demand Scoring (PDS) Button to Revitalize Brand Growth“ von Steffen Schmidt ((LINK Marketing Services AG, CH), Sara Jermann (FOCUSWATER, Rivella AG), Marianne Altgeld (FMCG Research, LINK Marketing Services AG), Désirée Koller (Rivella & Enertea), Matthias Biedermann (LINK Marketing Services AG) und Nikolas Petschen (Rivella AG)
  • „Deeper Target Group Understanding Through Artificial Intelligence“ von Silke Moser (GIM mbH) und Niklas Mrutzek (Erason).

The GOR Best Practice Award 2023 competition will take place during GOR 23 on Thursday, 21 September 2023 at the University of Kassel.

Posted in GOR 23, News

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