Extended Submission Deadline for Tracks A, B, C and GOR Thesis Award 2015 Competition

Call for presentations and abstract submissions General Online Research conference (GOR 15), 18-20 March 2015 in Cologne, Germany

*Due to numerous requests we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions for Tracks A, B, C and GOR Thesis Award 2015 competition to Tuesday, 18 November 2014.*

The ConfTool will remain open for submission until Tuesday night for anyone who has not been able to hand in an abstract yet.

*The submission deadline for the GOR Best Practice Award 2015 competition is Monday, 15 December 2014. For Posters it is Friday, 23 January 2015.*

Don’t miss your chance to present your work in online research, submit your abstract today: https://conftool.gor.de/conftool15/
Further information at https://www.gor.de
Long version of the call: https://www.gor.de/about/call-for-papers.html

Topics: Social Media Research, Market Research, Survey Research/Methodology, and Internet and Society

The German Society for Online Research (DGOF) invites participation in its annual conference. This year’s conference especially encourages submissions in:
● Online Research Methodology and Internet Surveys, incl. market research
● Social Media Research
● Internet and Society
The program committee invites presenters from academia, business, official statistics, the government and all other sectors. Submissions will be accepted on the basis of a double-blind peer review process.

The quality is maintained by a double blind peer reviewing system.
We look forward to receiving your abstract submission.

You can find the complete call for papers and further information at https://www.gor.de.

Dr. Lars Kaczmirek
Program Chair
Member of the board of DGOF (German Society for Online Research)

Dr. Cathleen Stützer
Vice Program Chair

General Online Research 2015

Posted in GOR 15, News

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