GOR 13 Panel Discussion: Qualitative Online Research: Deeper insights – or just faster and cheaper?

Time: Wednesday, 06/03/2013: 11.15 am – 12.15 pm

Online and mobile research has bred a broad range of new methods in qualitative research. Will those methods add new fields of application for qualitative research, or do they mainly replace traditional qualitative work? Can online techniques increase the quality of results, or do they rather deliver insights “light”, while saving time and money? What will be the main applications for qualitative online research in the future, and where are their limitations?

Five well known experts from the qualitative research industry will discuss these topics from different points of view in order to find out: “Would Freud rather work online today”?

  • John Kearon, Founder and ChiefJuicer, Brainjuicer UK
  • Stephan Teuber, CEO, GIM – Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung, Germany
  • Sven Arn, Managing Director & Partner, Happy Thinking People, Germany
  • Dirk Ziems, CEO, Concept M, Germany
  • Richard Gehling, Head of Qualitative Research, TNS infratest, Germany

Moderation: Horst Müller-Peters, editor of marktforschung.de, Germany

In cooperation with marktforschung.de.



Posted in GOR 13, News

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