Shortlist for GOR Best Practice Award 2018

We published the shortlist for the GOR Best Practice Award 2018 today!

The nominees are:

„From Research to Content: How We Exploit the Web like a Goldmine for Editors and Content Producers” from Yannick Rieder, Thomas Perry (both Q | Agentur für Forschung, Germany) and Sabine Feierabend (SWR Südwestrundfunk, Germany)

„Better Cross-Channel Campaign Planning Thanks to Market Research with IoT and Cookie-Tracking” from Silvana Jud (LINK Institut, Switzerland) and Christian-Kumar Meier (Mediaschneider Bern AG, Switzerland)

„We have seen the future… Fast-forward to more contextual, more agile and smarter qualitative research” from Annelies Verhaeghe, Sophie Van Neck (both InSites Consulting, Belgium) and Marlon Rinoza Plazo (Heineken Global Innovation, The Netherlands)

„Constructing open-source social milieus to explain purchase behaviour” from Daniel Althaus, Nadine Corleis (both SPLENDID RESEARCH, Germany) and Sascha von Rutkowski (OTTO, Germany)

„360 Degree Innovation“ from Tom De Ruyck (InSites Consulting, Belgium) and Mathilde Levy (Reckitt Benckiser, France)

“Why the market research department of the Deutsche Post DHL Group offers a survey tool to its departments” from Christian Hyka (Survalyzer AG, Switzerland) and Rüdiger Ruhl (Deutsche Post DHL Research & Innovation, Germany)

The best practice competition will take place in sessions D2 and D4 (Session Overview).


Posted in GOR 18, News

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